学生の皆さんへ Dear Students
はじめに Introduction
Unlike other natural sciences, chemistry has the advantage and interest of not only “analyzing” phenomena and substances, but also being able to “synthesize new substances,” “develop new reactions,” and “discover new phenomena” by utilizing the results of analysis. We welcome students who are interested in organic synthesis and organic reactions, and who wish to create original compounds and reactions by themselves, regardless of whether they are from the University of Tokyo or other universities.
It is important to be curious and proactive, rather than passive, in learning techniques and conducting research. Unlike student experiments, experiments in the laboratory do not always yield easy results. However, as you continue your research, you may find that your initial research theme gives you unexpected results or develops beyond your initial expectations. We hope that you will seize the opportunity of such breakthroughs with your own hands.
研究設備 Research Facilities
Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, and students can acquire various techniques in addition to nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry, which are indispensable for organic synthesis.
核磁気共鳴装置(NMR, 500 MHz),液体クロマトグラフ質量分析計 (LC-MS),単結晶X線回折装置,薄膜X線回折装置,ガスクロマトグラフ (GC,GC-MS),高速液体クロマトグラフ (HPLC),ゲル浸透クロマトグラフ (GPC),自動中圧クロマトグラフ(MPLC),昇華精製装置,紫外可視吸光光度計 (UV-vis),分光蛍光光度計,サイクリックボルタンメトリー (CV),示査走査熱量計 (DSC),偏光顕微鏡,原子間力顕微鏡(AFM),原子分解能透過電子顕微鏡(TEM),高分解能走査電子顕微鏡(SEM),動的光散乱装置 (DLS),接触角・界面張力計,分子軌道計算・分子力場計算・分子動力学計算用PC,量子化学計算クラスター,膜厚計,超純水生成装置,超音波反応装置,デバイス作製装置,デバイス評価装置
教育プログラム Educational Programs
知識や実験技術だけでなく,自分の考えを英語で系統立てて説明し,相手を説得することは国際的研究者に求められる必須の能力です.当研究室では, 学生諸君が大学院卒業後に大学,国公立・民間研究所,企業を問わず国際的研究者として活躍することに配慮して,次のような教育プログラムを行っています.
In addition to knowledge and experimental skills, it is essential for international researchers to be able to explain their ideas systematically in English and to persuade others. In our laboratory, we offer the following educational programs to prepare students to be active as international researchers after graduation from graduate school, whether at universities, public or private research institutes, or in industry.
蓼科セミナー Tateshina Seminar
We hold research presentations twice a year, in spring and fall, at Tateshina, inviting staff, students, and participants from outside the laboratory. The presentations and discussions are conducted in English, as foreign students and post-doctoral fellows are also invited to attend. Weekly meetings for abstracts, journal meetings, and research meetings are also held in English.

外国人訪問者との討論 Discussions with foreign visitors
We regularly hold discussions and dinners with foreign speakers visiting our laboratory and with graduate students from foreign universities that we host each summer.

海外研究機関での研究留学 Study Abroad at Overseas Research Institutions
Every year, graduate students from abroad visit our laboratory to gain several months of research experience. Conversely, our doctoral students are required to spend one to three months at a foreign research institution during their first or second year of doctoral studies. They may also take advantage of this opportunity to participate in international conferences.
In order to broaden the scope of their research topics, in most cases, the research topics are those of the institutions to which they are sent. Some of the students who have worked hard during this period have published papers on their work.
2022 Kyoto University (Prof. Toshiharu Teranishi)
2021 SIOC
2019 University of Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Ernst Meyer)
2019 MPI Mainz, Germany (Prof. Klaus Müllen)
2019 University of Geneva, Switzerland (Prof. Stefan Matile)
2019 Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Germany
2018 University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. Jonathan Nitschke)
2018 MPI Mainz, Germany (Prof. Klaus Müllen)
2018 The Scripps Research Institute, USA (Prof. Jin-Quan Yu)
2016 University of Münster, Germany (Prof. Frank Glorius)
2013 RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Prof. Jun Okuda)
2013 University of Würzburg, Germany (Prof. Frank Würthner)
2013 University of Münster, Germany (Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo)
2013 ESPCI ParisTech, France (Prof. Ludwik Leibler)
2012 Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland (Prof. E. W. Meijer)
2012 University of Melbourne, Australia (Prof. Andrew Holmes)
2012 ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. Jeffery W. Bode)
2011 Northwestern University, USA (Prof. Michael R. Wasielewski)
2011 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France (Prof. Max Malacria)
2011 University of Groningen, Netherland (Prof. Ben L. Feringa)
2011 University of Madrid, Autonoma, Spain (Prof. Antonio Echavarren)
2010 Philipps-University Marburg, Germany (Prof. Eric Meggers)
2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Prof. Mohammad Movassaghi)
2009 University of Ulm, Germany (Prof. Peter Bäuerle)
2009 University of Michigan, USA (Prof. Melanie Sanford)
2008 Max-Planck Instutute of Polymer Research, Germany (Prof. Klaus Müllen)
2008 University of Groningen, Netherland (Prof. Ben L. Feringa)
2008 Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (Prof. Milko E. van der Boom)
2007 University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. Ian Paterson)
2007 University of Munich, Germany (Prof. Paul Knochel)
2006 Merck Research Laboratories, USA
2006 University of Chicago, USA (Prof. Rustem F. Ismagilov)
2005 University of Geneva, Switzerland (Prof. Stefan Matile)
2005 RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Prof. Carsten Bolm)
2005 University of Illinois, USA (Prof. Scott E. Denmark)
2004 California Institute of Technology, USA (Prof. Brian M. Stoltz)
2003 University of Geneva, Switzerland (Profs. Stefan and Naomi Matile)
2003 State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA (Prof. Benjamin Chu)
2003 University of Dortmund, Germany (Prof. Norbert Krause)
2003 University of Alberta, Canada (Prof. Jeffrey Stryker)
2003 National Taiwan University, Taiwan (Prof. Tien-Yau Luh)
2003 Peking University, PRC (Prof. Zhenfeng Xi)
2002 University of Madrid, Autonoma, Spain (Prof. Antonio Echavarren)
2002 University of Munich, Germany (Prof. Paul Knochel)
2002 Stockholm University, Sweden (Prof. Jan Bäckvall)
2002 Hong Kong University, PRC (Prof. Dan Yang)
2001 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, PRC (Prof. L. Wu)
2000 Emory University, USA (Prof. Frank McDonald)
2000 State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA (Prof. Iwao Ojima)
1997 State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA (Prof. Iwao Ojima)
1997 Emory University, USA (Prof. Lanny S. Liebeskind)
1996 Emory University, Atlanta, USA (Prof. Keiji Morokuma)
1995 Princeton University, USA (Prof. Daniel Kahne)
1994 Emory University, Atlanta, USA (Prof. Keiji Morokuma)
1992 Scripps Institute, San Diego, USA
1991 Sandoz Co., Basel (現Novartis Co.), Switzerland
1991 University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Prof. Bruce Lipshutz)
1992 Sandoz Co., Basel (現Novartis Co.), Switzerland
1990 University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. Ian Paterson)
1990 Sandoz Co., Basel (現Novartis Co.), Switzerland
1989 University of California, Berkeley, USA (Prof. Peter Vollhardt)